Tuesday, September 8, 2009
week 2 [SEPT 8 TO 12]
idiom of the week: Gordon Bennett!
"Hey George, what are you doing this weekend?"
"You mean the weekend of the 20th annual St Edmund Campion drinking festival?"
"Of course!"
"As usual, sitting at home watching Coronation Street with the wife. I don't suppose you can go either."
"Think again, my friend."
"Are you going?"
"Yes I am!"
"Gordon Bennett! How did you ever manage to persuade Beryl to let you go? "
"Family funeral."
"Who died?"
"One of her relatives, but I won't be able to attend the funeral. "
"Why not?"
"I'm going to severely injure my back the day before."
You crafty bugger! You owe me a drink for such a cunning plan..."
Explanation: Wow, as in I'm very surprised.
Notes: James Gordon Bennet II, 1841 - 1918 is the man referred to, and was quite a colourful character. One of his many reported exploits was an incident where he flew an aeroplane through an open barn. The surprised spectators were supposed to have said 'That was Gordon Bennett!', and hence onward to the current shortened phrase.
joke of the week: The Magic Bottles
Joke: There were 3 friends stranded in an island. Exploring the island, the 3 men found a bottle so they opened it. A genie came out, and she said that she would grant them 3 wishes. The first man said, "I wish I was with my family." Suddenly, poof, he was with his family. The second guy said, "I wish I was in a bar with my friends." Suddenly, poof, he was gone. The third guy was feeling bad and the genie asked, "What's wrong?" The man said, "I'm lonely. I wish my friends were here." Poof, his two friends were back in the island.
Explanation: If you are stranded somewhere there is no way you can escape from the place. A genie is a kind of magic spirit that lives in magic jars and always gives you wishes in return for allowing it to leave the jar. Poof is a sound accompanied by smoke that signifies something magic has happened.